A little rain inside me, a little pain inside me. A little dose of mellowness to compromise the life, in a precise amount.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Long Time Break

One of my new year resolution was that I would write everyday.

It’s been only four months since, and I can already see the progress. So, here I go with all the cliché: Life has been very busy and hectic and fast. Seriously, a sound and proper sleep is a luxury to me. Especially when you have lots of deadlines to fulfill, this then means lots of paperwork, lots of pressure. And when you think it’s over, another deadline has come to you, right in front of you, taking away the joy of freedom you even barely taste.

The good side is, lots of paperwork means lots of writing, too. Yet honestly, this is not quite I had in my mind at the time I made the resolution. Writing everyday to me doesn’t mean posting a blog entry everyday too, because I have three blogs and a thread currently, and all of them are still active, especially the thread at a certain forum.

So, what I had in my mind was actually, that there would be nights, where I would be in my bed, typing the whole day inspiration, melancholic things in my mind, or anything in the mood. But then I asked myself, what am I trying to prove? I have almost no readers, no comments, no true fans, and I don’t even have the talent to write something real deep. Hence the long break. And lots of blogwalking, just reading and seeing and discovering how amazing writers out there are doing their blog.

Then one day, suddenly, it just came to my mind. What am I looking in all the comment? What’s my expectation for all strangers who read my entries? Particularly, none. A blog is supposed to be something personal, isn’t it? It’s not private, though, so comments and readers is a bonus. If it’s so, why not blogging again?

The break is enough for recharging. I’m BACK!

0 punches: