A little rain inside me, a little pain inside me. A little dose of mellowness to compromise the life, in a precise amount.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Where's The Promised Happiness?

I was being mellow again. The whole morning. Hahaha.. I am not wallowing, so relax.

I just realised that I was a victim too. Victim of this cruel world - or to be specific, AJ world. To be more precise, I am a victim of AJ-social construct. Or is it just me?

I was browsing around the-site-where-you-can-be-a-model-for-any-kind-of-underpants-existed-without-pay-and-without-face-and-better-you-could-show-off-your-di*k-and-suddenly-you're-this-hottie-member-featured-by-the-site. Everybody seems to have a very nice chest and abs. Not that I am that into muscular things, or that being-a-model-like-I-described-above-with-too-many-dash is a sin. No, it's not that.

It's the affect for me.

I'd look down at my abs again. One round shape. Hahaha.. It's not abs. I've got a better vocab to describe: BELLY.

So, what to do next?
I browsed youtube, and found a few videos on abs training.
I downloaded the flv file. Then began training.
Alamak! It hurt. Like hell. Stupid and silly. What I am doing this for, again? Jeez.

Anyway, it was the side story.
Back to the mellow things.
I was listening to various mellow songs I have on my stupid handphone. It supports blackberry yet no picture editor. So everytime I tried to post a narcist pict on facebook, it just said; File is too big. Yes, wish that my chest is that big too. Yeah yeah.

Back again.
I always adore Jay Chou. And everytime he released an album - which happens annually - I always find a special favourite song, like the song of the year for me. Last year, it was Rainbow (Cai Hong), and before that, there came Step Back (Tui Hou), and Maple (Feng), Common Jasmine Orange (Qi Li Xiang), and and.. haha. Back to the topic.

This year, my fave is Where's The Promised Happiness (Shuo Hao De Xing Fu Ne)..
Be careful. The mellow taste is so poisonous.

Here is the MV:
and Here is the translation..
Your response is getting chaotic At this moment I remember the dove by the fountain The sweetness disperses My sentiments are dragged about for no reason (wondering if ) I still love you? And you're singing the song intermittently Acting like you're fine Time has passed It's gone (when) Love has to face choices You're cold Tired I've cried The unhappiness when you left You write it down onto a card For some love (we had) and yet you only can give it to this extent It really hurts What's going on? You're tired Where's the promised happiness? I understand Let's not talk about it Love has faded The dream has become distant I count each and every happy and unhappy thing Once more you're reluctant to let go Those feelings of having loved are too deep I still remember them You don't wait anymore Where's the promised happiness? I was wrong The tears have dried I've let go I've regretted But the music box in my memories is still spinning How can I stop it? What's going on? You're tired Where's the promised happiness? I understand Let's not talk about it Love has faded The dream is distanced I count each and every happiness and unhappiness Once more you're reluctant to let go Those feelings of having loved are too deep I still remember them You don't wait anymore Where's the promised happiness? I was wrong The tears have dried I've let go I've regretted But the music box in my memories is still spinning How can I stop it?

5 punches:

sintingmaut said...

Hahahaha... No comment lah untuk sekarang...

Kaya berasa berkaca dalam sebuah cerimin, kita punya masalah yang sama beib...

masalah bentuk tubuh yang gw sendiri kalo ngeliat bisa bikin illfeel, apalagi orang lain...


Reis's said...

eh.. gw ga il-fil koq liat bentuk badan gw. hahaha. :P

My Answer Is said...

Gmn loe bisa mengharap orang lain mencintaimu klo loe sendiri tidak mencintai dirimu (even cuman fisik.

Klo loe pernah ketemu si lebah madu, woooww dia anak paling narsis (cong)yang gw kenal ......tp justru karena itu auranya menyebar kemana2, meruak diantara cong2 yang lain (sorry ya Apisindica, tp kamu adalah the best sample)

Reis's said...

maksud loe sapa? bukan gw.. bukan gw koq pelakunya.. *lha?*

haha.. I love myself. Most of the time. Seriously. I mean it.
Termasuk ke belly gw yang bulat, lucu, dan menggemaskan. Hahahaha

Zhou Yu said...

Ahahaha, i dun have abs as well. Mine is a round belly!