A little rain inside me, a little pain inside me. A little dose of mellowness to compromise the life, in a precise amount.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Broken Window

I am done with you.
I am through. I have carried around this hatred, this pain, this regret with me for so long. 
I don't wanna be like this. You're just the biggest mistake I have ever made. You're not worth any single of my emotion. You're not worth even my goodbye. 

So, this is it. 
You're non-existing to me from this moment on.

Talk to you never,

2 punches:

Nei said...

As usual -- you did amazed me.
"talk to you never"
Like this part ---

Reis's said...

@Koko Madu; Terima kasih ya.

@Ninneta: Hai, :) Selamat datang kembali. Semoga sehat selalu!