A little rain inside me, a little pain inside me. A little dose of mellowness to compromise the life, in a precise amount.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Shelter in You

You remember the time when you opened your arms so wide you could actually hug a tree?
You remember the time when you offered me an umbrella when it's raining outside so heavily?
Or the time when it's too cold in the night, and you're awake because I couldn't sleep then you asked me if I was cold and you shared me your blanket anyway? 

You remember the time when we're about to cross the street and you just walked a bit in front of me to protect me from the traffic?
You remember the time when we're in this one cinema, and you held my hand so tight because you wanted to share your joy?
And the time when you'd make me smile whenever I told you I had a bad day?
Because I do remember.
Because they're the times when I am reminded again and again,
that being with you,
big world.. 

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