A little rain inside me, a little pain inside me. A little dose of mellowness to compromise the life, in a precise amount.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Right Dosage

Love is like a medicine. It has to come to a right dosage: not too less, not too much, but sufficient. A childish boy won't be too childish, a mature guy won't be too independent, a smart guy won't be too smart-alec, a difficult-to-approach guy won't be that difficult, and doing stupid things won't be stupid at all. Even a fat guy won't be too chubby, and a skinny guy won't be too thin. We all come to a point they label as 'compromising', and suddenly, we're happier than we thought we'd be.

Based on the presumption, it is stupid then, to get mad to somebody just because they think we're childish, we're too ngondek, we're too open, and we're too ugly. It is also stupid to judge people because they prefer body, because they prefer face, or because they prefer both. Everybody has their own preferences, so it's totally stupid to make it into a problem. If he's just not that into you, he's not that into you. Because when he's into you, everything would come to a right dosage, like what I mentioned earlier. And when he's not that into you, I think it's our part to let it go. It's not because we're too ugly, too ngondek, too open, too childish, like he'd say to you, but because we're simply not at the right dosage for him. We can't cure him, because we're not the medicine for him. So we let go, because he'd have thrown us, the wrong medicine, into his rubbish bin, earlier before. Have some dignity to walk out, shall we?

This guy I was talking about, the one who's offering friendship, he met his somebody a week or two ago. They had dinner. And the guy thought it was one of the best. And he really told me that the somebody was his type. Guess what?

Two days ago, I met this somebody. His name was Dan. Not Dan Humphrey, by the way, and we talked and talked. Based on his first impression, I must have met a lot of guys here in B-town. The same statement as the friendship-guy - and I was confused: Is this question merely implying me being too 'friendly' and therefore slut; or is this question merely checking if I am seeing somebody in particular, or is this question merely checking if there's a lot of competititon? Which? I really hope you could help me with this.

Anyway, I told him that I was this sweet-innocent boy, I rarely met someone here, more because there was nobody to meet. And it's true, FYI. So I asked him back the question. He mentioned some names - and it was then that I realised. I confirmed my suspicion, and I was right. Dan was the friendship-guy's type.

Let me give you his stats: 28, 186, 98. He's that fat. And you know what? Dan thought that the friendship-guy was not okay at all. Forgive me for being shallow here, but I was so relieved. It was that second that I realised how childish I have been. It was also that second that I knew: Love is like a medicine; right dosage, right prescription, and you get cured. Everyone is special to a certain someone.

By the end of the day, I knew I was going to be better. It's really a time to love myself more, to grow up, and be a man. And the sex? Me being practically sex-less? Well, here's a quote from Ling Woo (Lucy Liu), Ally McBeal, Season 3 Episode 4:

Look. We're talking about five seconds here, okay? That's how long the big O lasts -- five seconds, sometimes six.This is so typical of men. What we want is affection, commitment, companionship, somebody to spend our days and nights with, somebody to make us happy in life. And instead, you've stayed focused on five to six seconds of a few major muscle contractions! You're a pathetic species!

Now, you tell me.
Are we that pathetic? 

3 punches:

Arema said...

This thought of you almost made me cry. Thanks for sharing.

Arema said...

When its time to let go, just let go with no hard feeling. I can not agree more.

lucky said...
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