A little rain inside me, a little pain inside me. A little dose of mellowness to compromise the life, in a precise amount.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Is it love?
How can you tell?

Is it measured by things he'd do for you, no matter how stupid it is, or stuff he'd buy just to make you happy?
Is it in words he'd say, text messages he'd send, or some sweet-nothings he'd exchange with you?
Is it about the good-mornings, good-afternoons, or even good-nights?
Is it summarized by poems he'd write?
Is it measure by the sex he'd make to you, and the post-orgasm conversation he'd chat about?

Or is it just you?
How your heart is pumping much faster when he's around?
How your head is a mess when he hasn't replied your text?
How your night gets lonelier when he's not there to hug you?
How your mouth smiles 24-hour non-stop?
How your hand hugs stuff he'd buy, or how your heart'd tell you that you'd better keep those things he buys carefully because you dont wanna ruin nor consummate it?

Or is it mutual?
How you both can spend hours just being silent, staring at each other's eyes?
How you can hug each other, without any urge to have sex at that very moment, because you know it's now more about love rather than lust?
How you can complete each other's sentence, how you both learn what you guys like or dont like..?


Or is now the perfect time to tell me that this all is just a dream, a silly one, that won't even exist?
But what about me?
Is it useless if I am being a romantic fool for just one more day?
Is it stupid if I'm willing to risk it all, to fall in love, and to hurt later because there's simply no such thing as happily-ever-after for PLU?


I don't know.
... or is it more because I know the answer but no willing to see it? To face it and then to understand it..?
Because if we deserve to be happy, why Leslie Cheung committed suicide? Why Stephen Gately did what he did?

A friend once asked me, if I'd do the same thing if I were them.
I said, NO.

And that's all I have for now........

2 punches:

lucky said...

"....... because there's simply no such thing as happily-ever-after for PLU?" --> wah banyak yang ga setuju nihhh....coba tanyain ke Jo deh.

Reis's said...


ya tadinya gw juga mau percaya. Tapi coba liat si Leslie sama si Stephen...

Lalu kemaren gw jalan2 ke mall.. nemu banyak couple. Dan salah satunya pasti lirak-lirik.. haha..